
We will publish proceedings. Full details concerning other publishing opportunities for the papers presented at the conference will be provided during the conference. Best papers that are aligned with the conference theme will be included in an edited collection.

Best papers from previous conferences were published in:

Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability and Markets. How Ethical Organisations and Consumers Shape Markets

Editors: Cláudia Simões, Alin Stancu, Georgiana Grigore

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability during the Coronavirus Crisis. International Case Studies

Editors: Anna Sörensson, Besrat Tesfaye, Anders Lundström, Georgiana Grigore, Alin Stancu
Copyright: 2021

Values and Corporate Responsibility.

CSR and Sustainable Development

Editors: Francisca Farache, Georgiana Grigore, Alin Stancu, David McQueen
Copyright: 2020

Responsible People

The Role of the Individual in CSR, Entrepreneurship and Management Education

Editors: Francisca Farache, Georgiana Grigore, Alin Stancu and David McQueen

Copyright: 2019

Corporate Responsibility and Digital Communities. An International Perspective towards Sustainability

Editors: Grigore, Georgiana, Stancu, Alin, McQueen, David Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan eBook ISBN 978-3-319-63480-7; Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-63479-1 Copyright 2018 This book explores conceptualizations of CSR and sustainability in the digital economy, focusing upon points of intersection between CSR and online communities. Reflecting on new areas of responsibility that organisations must face in a globalised economy, the contributions explore the ways CSR is being communicated, challenged and reshaped in a rapidly evolving online context. Up-to-date research from around the world shows how diverse communities, citizens and stakeholders are engaging with, and making demands on, organisations in novel ways that pay little respect to international borders. With online communities increasingly influencing the way in which business is carried out and perceived, the case studies explored here offer a useful indication of the variety of new developments and controversies that have emerged in the field of CSR. This book will appeal to postgraduate students and researchers of CSR and CSR communications, as well as communication, public relation and corporate responsibility practitioners.
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Post-Financial Crisis Era. CSR Conceptualisations and International Practices in Times of Uncertainty Editors: Theofilou, Anastasios, Grigore, Georgiana, Stancu, Alin (Eds.) Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-40096-9; Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-40095-2 Copyright 2017 Bringing together normative and instrumental CSR conceptualizations, practice based examples and international case studies, this edited volume brings together important contributions on the conceptualizations of CSR post financial crisis. Including coverage of a variety of practices in developing and developed contexts, industry-specific activities, business ethics and sustainable development issues, Corporate Social Responsibility in the Post-Financial Crisis brings together a variety of perspectives to provide knowledge and understanding across contexts.

New Corporate Social Responsibility Challenges: Sustainability, Social Commitment and Innovation

Special issue of Tripodos Journal, No 37, 2015 Edited by Georgiana Grigore, Enric Ordeix, Joseph Rom & Alin Stancu, ISSN paper: 1138-3305, online ISSN: 2340-5007, Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull, Available online here:
Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business: Theory and Practice  Book edited by Alin Stancu & Georgiana Grigore in 2015, ASE Publishing Hall, ISBN: 978-606-505-833-0 This book adopts and intercultural and interdisciplinary approach to CSR, and aims to address theoretical and methodological challenges in this area, and to also highlight examples of CSR best practices worldwide that might lead to long term societal development, well-being, and shared value. As such, this book presents international CSR perspectives from Egypt, France, India, Republic of Macedonia, Pakistan, Romania, or UK. These perspectives can be seen as comparative studies, where the economic, social, political, and cultural factors are playing a fundamental role in shaping CSR policies and programs that organisations can implement across the globe.
Conference proceedings
  1. Grigore, G., Stancu, A., Ducu, C. and Iamandi, I.E., 2012. Working Papers Series on Social Responsibility, Ethics, & Sustainable Business, Volume 1, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, Available here:
  2. Grigore, G., Theofilou, A., Breitbarth, T., Jackson, D., Stancu, D., Ducu, C. and Iamandi, I.E., 2013. Working Papers Series on Social Responsibility, Ethics & Sustainable Business, Volume 2, The Media School, Bournemouth University, UK.
  3. Grigore, G., Ordeix, E., Stancu, A., Acatrinei, G., Iamandi, I.E. and Rom, J., 2014. Working Papers Series on Social Responsibility, Ethics & Sustainable Business, Volume 3, Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals, Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Catalonia-Spain. Available here:
  4. Grigore, G., Stancu, A., Theofilou, A. and Acatrinei, C., 2015. Working Papers Series on Social Responsibility, Ethics & Sustainable Business, Volume 4. Available here:
  5. Grigore, G., Stancu, A., BORGONOVI E 2016 Working Papers Series on Social Responsibility, Ethics & Sustainable Business, Volume 5, ASE Printing Hall, ISSN: 2285-7222 , Available here: Working Papers Series on Social Responsibility, Ethics & Sustainable Business 2016
  6. Grigore, G., Stancu, A., 2017 Working Papers Series on Social Responsibility, Ethics & Sustainable Business, Volume 6, ASE Printing Hall, ISSN: 2285-7222 , Available here: WORKING PAPERS SERIES ON SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, ETHICS AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS 2017
  7. Grigore, G., Stancu, A., Ditlev-Simonsen C. 2018 Working Papers Series on Social Responsibility, Ethics & Sustainable Business, Volume 7, ASE Printing Hall, ISSN: 2602-1056 , Available here: WORKING PAPERS SERIES ON SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, ETHICS AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS 2018
  8. Georgiana Grigore, Alin Stancu, Cláudia Simões. 2019 Papers Series on Social Responsibility, Ethics & Sustainable Business, Volume 8, ASE Printing Hall, ISSN: 2602-1056 , Available here: WORKING PAPERS SERIES ON SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, ETHICS AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS 2019
  9. Anna Sörensson, Georgiana Grigore, Anders Lundström, Alin Stancu, Besrat Tesfaye, Maria Bogren 2022 Volume 9, ASE Printing Hall, ISSN: 2602-1056 , Available here: WORKING PAPERS SERIES ON SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, ETHICS AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS 2019