Fees and Deadlines
Abstracts registration: 15 May 2016
Full paper deadline: 1 September 2016
Payment procedure will be specified on the website: www.csrconferences.org
Conference fees
Regular conference fee – 250 EURO: Deadline 15 September 2016
Early bird fee: payments made until 15 July 2016 – 200 EURO.
There are a limited number of fee weavers – for PhD students, fees are 125 euro (regular fee, payments made by 15 September 2016) or 100 euro (early bird, payments made until 15 July 2016). The fee weavers are offered on competitive basis. Please contact Elio Borgonovi, Bocconi University (elio.borgonovi@unibocconi.it) for more details.
We will publish proceedings. Full details concerning other publishing opportunities for the papers presented at the conference will be provided during the conference. Best papers that are aligned with the conference theme will be included in an edited collection.
Registration is now open here:
Please be advised that with the paytool procedure you can pay with credit/debit card and you will receive a receipt of the payment only, which can be used for reimbursement or other fiscal issues.
If you would like to receive an invoice, please do NOT use this procedure but instead contact Elisa Torretta at elisa.torretta@unibocconi.it and she will process your payment manually, on an individual basis, and she will also release an invoice.
For any other requires regarding payment of the conference fees, please do not hesitate to contact Elisa elisa.torretta@unibocconi.it.