5th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Economy

Bocconi University, Milan, Italy | 6-7 October 2016

You are invited to attend the 5th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business to be held at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy on 6-7 October 2016. The purpose of the conference is to create a networking opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to discuss recent insights on social responsibility theory and practice in the digital economy. With social and digital media reshaping the way in which business is conducted and with organizations (public and private, profit and not for profit, hybrid) embracing online platforms for their communication. This conference invites papers that expand current mainstream understanding of how corporate social responsibility, ethics and sustainability are impacted and transformed by digital technology. 

The main topics of the conference, but not limited to these, are:

  • The Internet and CSR
  • CSR and social media
  • Technology and sustainability
  • CSR, issues management and reputation
  • Communicating CSR in the digital age
  • Online CSR initiatives/strategies
  • Corporate governance in public and private organizations
  • Ethical stakeholder engagement
  • Public administration: social responsibility, ethics and accountability in the digital society
  • Ethics of non for profit organizations and accountability
  • Ethics and CSR cross fertilization in hybrid organizations (public-private, for profit-not for profit, global-local organizations)

Applicants should submit an abstract of 300 words in a Word document format via email to georgiana.grigore@csrconferences.org by 15 May 2016. No more than two papers will be accepted from any author. Authors will receive communication of acceptance or decline on 6th June 2016. The abstracts of the papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Offers to run workshops, symposia, poster sessions, themed tracks or alternative events are especially welcome. Please contact Elio Borgonovi, Bocconi University (elio.borgonovi@unibocconi.it) with suggestions.


Review process

Acceptance of papers for the conference will be based on a review of a 300 words abstract. Following acceptance, attendees will be expected to submit a full paper, which will also be reviewed by two members of the scientific committee in preparation for publication in the proceedings. 

Submission of abstracts

Abstracts of 300 words should be send in a Word document via email to georgiana.grigore@csrconferences.org

Submissions of full papers

Only electronic submissions are accepted. Manuscripts should be sent via email as text documents (.DOC/.DOCX). In order to facilitate the review process, authors are expected to submit: 

The manuscript without any author names and affiliations, or any other information that could disclose the authors.

A separate electronic document containing only a title page with the following information: (i) the full title, (ii) all author names with affiliations, and (iii) the contact information (i.e., email and regular mail) of the corresponding author. If authors want to include acknowledgements or disclosure notices, they should use this document (a second page) to include the necessary information.

Manuscript Format

Length: The full paper will usually be 4000-6000 words (main text excluding references, abstract, appendix, figure and table legends).

The entire manuscript must be double-spaced (including footnotes and references) and written on A4 page format, with 2 cm margins all around. Indents should be created using the tab function (1.27cm left), not the space bar (spaces).


All texts must be accompanied by a list of keywords: 5 to 6 words or short phrases best describing the content of the papers. The keywords have to be arranged in alphabetical order.

Acknowledgements and Disclosure Notices

The manuscript must not contain any kind of acknowledgements or disclosure notices (as footnote or within the text). They may provide information that can lead to a positive identification of the author(s).


References should follow Harvard style.

Titles and Subtitles (Headings)

Authors should use a maximum of three-levels of headings:

Heading 1 – corresponding to the paper title (size 14, bold)

Heading 2 – for subtitles (size 11, bold)

Heading 3 – for sections (size 10.5, bold and italics)