About us

The serie of conferences aims to create a networking opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to discuss recent insights on socially responsible practices in the non- and for-profit sector.

We welcome scholarly papers and practice contributions on the following topics: CSR and Sustainability, CSR and Business Ethics, CSR, Social Media and Grass-Roots Campaigns, CSR and Education, Communicating CSR, CSR Initiatives and Strategies, Corporate Governance, NGO Marketing, CSR in the Digital Age, CSR, Reputation and Crisis Management, Ethical Stakeholder Engagement.

Dr. Georgiana Grigore

Media School, Bournemouth University

Talbot Campus Fern Barrow Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, UK
Tel +44 (0)1202 963516

Email: georgiana.grigore@ csrconferences.org

Dr. Alin Stancu

Faculty of Marketing, Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Romana sq, no 6, Bucharest, Romania, 010374

Email: alinstancu@csrconferences.org