Instructions for Panel Chairs

logo1.      Introduce the panel at the start and each of the presenters in turn.

2.      Each presenter has 15 minutes to complete their talk and 3 minutes for Q&A. Please ensure that presentations do not exceed that limit, so as to allow enough time for questions and discussion, and to ensure parity for all presenters. You will be given time reminders (5 mins, 2 mins) to display to the presenter which you can use.

3.      Each panel must stick to time as we have limited break time. Tell the audience if we are reaching the end of time for the panel, so questioners and panelists know to keep any comments and questions short.

4.      Please ask audience members asking questions to introduce themselves (name and affiliation).

5.      Panel chairs are welcome to briefly summarise, link or compare/contrast the papers presented in order to facilitate inclusive discussion that engages all presenters.

6.      If speakers have their presentations on a USB stick, then please ensure they upload to the PC desktop before the panel begins. In case of IT issues, please find the IT assistant present at the conference or a member of the organising committee.

Please familiarise yourselves with fire exits before convening the session.