Keynote Speaker – Denise Baden (PhD)

Denise Baden.jpgDenise Baden (PhD)is Associate Professor at University of Southampton. She followed her first degree in Politics with Economics, with several years in industry, then returned to academia to do a doctorate in psychology, which was awarded in 2002. Denise worked in the area of social psychology for 3 years, and then joined the Southampton Business School, University of Southampton as a lecturer in 2005, where she has been engaged in research and teaching in the areas of business ethics, sustainability, entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility.

Current research interests are sustainability and SMEs and cross cultural comparisons of CSR practices in capitalist and socialist economies, centering particularly on Cuba. Dr Denise Baden has a particular passion for creating impact from her research activities. She is currently leading an ESRC grant into sustainability in the hairdressing sector and seeking innovative ways to disseminate her research on business models in Cuba via a musical project: Fidel the Musical!

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